Sunday, 12 April 2015

З Великоднем!

     Пасха, Воскресіння Христове - найбільше християнське свято. Дата Великодня має випадати на першу неділю після першого весняного повного місяця, яка наступає після весняного рівнодення.
     У ніч Воскресіння Христа проводиться святкове богослужіння, святяться паски, яйця та інші страви.   
     Святкування Великодня триває 40 днів. У цей період прийнято ходити один до одного у гості, дарувати яйця та паски, влаштовувати сімейні застілля.
     Великдень багатий різноманітними народними звичаями. На Великодні свята, як і на Різдвяні, повинна зібратися вся родина, адже це — "Великий День".

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Easter in Britain

     Easter is the most important festival in the Christian church year. It begins with Good Friday. 
     Why is Easter on a different day each year? This is because Easter Sunday is the Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring .
     Easter eggs, Easter Rabbit (Easter Bunny) and sending Easter cards are tradition not only in Britain. The cards are often in green or yellow or show baby animals, because lots of animals are born in spring. This tradition goes back to the 19th century.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Let's explore Europe!

What do you know about the European Union?
Did you know that there are over 500 million people living in the European Union?
Do you know that people in the European Union speak 24 different official languages?
And that the European Union was created over 50 years ago and has grown from 6 to 28 countries?
And have you heard about the European flag with its twelve golden stars on a blue background? 
Click here to find out lots more about the EU!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The 1st of April

April Fool’s Day is observed on April 1 in Ukraine. It is also known as Humor Day or Day of Laughter, as it is a day when people play jokes and tricks on each other. April Fool’s Day is a popular day that features different types of fun activities and events.