Monday, 19 March 2012

Мосты Лондона

Вниманию учеников 4-х классов! 
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Sunday, 18 March 2012

Mother's Day in Great Britain

Mother's Day Graphic #4 

День матери или его аналоги есть во многих странах. И все они идут из глубокой древности, когда еще в Древней Греции существовал праздник в честь богини Реи – матери сонма греческих богов, а в Древнем Риме – праздник в честь богини Кибелы, чьи функции совпадали с функциями Реи. И в Дни матери во всех странах чествуют матерей, освобождают их от домашней работы, поздравляют, дарят им цветы и благодарят за данную ими жизнь.
День матери в Великобритании празднуется в марте – и в этом году он выпадает на 18 марта. Как же празднуется день матери в Великобритании? И каковы его истоки в мировой истории? 

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The First Spring Day!!!

Sing with us!

"Spring is in the air
The flowers start to bloom
The blossoms on the trees
Fill the air with sweet perfume
Spring is in the air
Spring is everywhere
It's growin' in the trees
It's the blossoms and the bees
Spring is in the air
I know it's very near
It warms me to the heart
It just fills the atmosphere
Spring is in the air
Spring is everywhere
It's growin' in the trees
It's the flowers and the bees
Spring is in the air
Spring is everywhere"

Spring Is In The Air from Timeless Tales From Hallmark's Thumbelina.

Sing with us!

The birds are singing
‘Cause Spring is springing
The bees are out to pollinate
The flowers are blooming
The grass needs grooming
The pouring rain helps to irrigate

Plants and trees are growing
Producing shoots and leaves
Pollen’s in the air
And it makes me sneeze

The frogs are leaping
The bears aren’t sleeping
The birds build nests and they
Lay their eggs

The ants are crawling
The geese are calling
It’s time for animals to
Stretch their legs

This is the season
When colors come alive
Red and blue, green and yellow
Springtime has arrived!

The kids are playing
They’re celebrating
It’s warmer out now that
Spring is here

They’re all out singing
‘Cause Spring is springing
It’s nature’s magical time of year
It’s nature’s magical time of year!

Spring Song And Lyrics For Kids | Kiboomu