Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
День Святого Николая
Праздник Святого Николая традиционно отмечается 19 декабря, хотя существует и еще другой день Святого Николая – 22 мая, и даже есть еще один праздник Святого Николая – 17 февраля, который празднуется в честь Святого Николая – Студийского игумена.
Зимний день Святого Николая – один из самых почитаемых христианских праздников на Руси, день смерти Николая Чудотворца. Во многих европейских странах День Святого Николауса, в странах СНГ день Святого Николая – один из самых радостных праздников для детей.
Зимний день Святого Николая – один из самых почитаемых христианских праздников на Руси, день смерти Николая Чудотворца. Во многих европейских странах День Святого Николауса, в странах СНГ день Святого Николая – один из самых радостных праздников для детей.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Thursday, 1 December 2011
It is interesting to know
December is very much associated with Christmas and a lot of December customs and traditions have therefore been swallowed up by the festival.
Christmas, the mass of Christ, is held on 25th December and commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago.
At the beginning of December, the season of Advent starts. The word advent means 'coming', and as its name suggests it is a time of preparation for the coming feast of Christmas.
Christmas, the mass of Christ, is held on 25th December and commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago.
At the beginning of December, the season of Advent starts. The word advent means 'coming', and as its name suggests it is a time of preparation for the coming feast of Christmas.
Friday, 11 November 2011
It is interesting to know
What is Remembrance Day?
November,11 is the Remembrance day. It is a special day for people to remember all those men and women who were killed during two World Wars and other conflicts.
Remembrance Sunday is held on the second Sunday in November. Special servises are held at war memorials and churches all over the Britain, the United States of America, Canada.
Remembrance Day is also known as Poppy day (День Маков) because it is traditional to wear red artificial poppy.
At 11 a.m. on each Remembrance Sunday a two minute silence is observed at war memorials.
November,11 is the Remembrance day. It is a special day for people to remember all those men and women who were killed during two World Wars and other conflicts.
Remembrance Sunday is held on the second Sunday in November. Special servises are held at war memorials and churches all over the Britain, the United States of America, Canada.
Remembrance Day is also known as Poppy day (День Маков) because it is traditional to wear red artificial poppy.
At 11 a.m. on each Remembrance Sunday a two minute silence is observed at war memorials.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
It is interesting to know
On 5th November every year children in Great Britain get excited because it is Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes' Night). They lit bonfires and enjoy fireworks displays. On top of the fire is a guy (a homemade model of a man).
They do these things because they're remembering when the king of England, James I, and the House of Parliament were nearly blown up with gunpowder.
It took place four hundred years ago, in 1605. A man called Guy Fawkes and a group of plotters wanted to kill King James and the king's leaders.
They do these things because they're remembering when the king of England, James I, and the House of Parliament were nearly blown up with gunpowder.
It took place four hundred years ago, in 1605. A man called Guy Fawkes and a group of plotters wanted to kill King James and the king's leaders.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Holidays and Notable Special Days in Great Britain in November
- 5th - Bonfire Night
- 11th - Remembrance Day
- 30th - St. Andrew's Day (Scotland's National Day)
Monday, 24 October 2011
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Halloween ideas
Маски, кроссворды, оригами, домино, игры, раскраски, плакаты, пальчиковые куклы, наряды для бумажных кукол, закладки для книг, вырезалки и много других развлечений, посвященных Хеллоуину, вы можете найти на сайте "Activityvillage" по адресу:
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
It is interesting to know
Good morning, children! Today we continue speaking about autumn holidays. Every country has got its own traditions and holidays. Our countries of interest are Great Britain and America . And we are going to speak about an ancient and very interesting holiday that all pupils like very much.
It is Halloween. People in different countries will celebrate it on the 31st of October. It’s the night for ghosts and witches and other horrible things. In Britain and in America children play trick or treat on this day.
They wear special costumes and they go to friends’ houses and say “trick or treat”. Most people give them a treat – some sweets – but some people don’t, and they play a trick on them. In the evening some children go to the Halloween parties.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Short Poems
Мы все знаем, что при встрече необходимо здороваться. А как сделать это правильно на английском языке?
Good Morning to youGood Morning to you
Good Morning Dear
Good Morning to you!
Good morning it's time to rise,
Stand up and wipe your sleepy eyes.
Reach and stretch for the sky,
Hold your hands way up high.
Bend your body and touch the ground,
Stand up straight, now turn around.
Point to your eyes, point to your nose,
Jump up and down and touch your toes.
Clap your hands, stomp your feet,
Let's start the day, now find your seat.
School Morning
School is waiting
Can't be late.
Hurry! Hurry!
Half-past eight.
Out the door
And down the street,
Then softly, quietly,
Take your seat.
Good morning, good morning!
School has begun.
Good morning, good morning!
Isn't it fun!
Pencils and crayons
Scissors and glue
Erasers and paper
Reading books, too.
Good morning, good morning!
School has begun.
Good morning, good morning!
Isn't it fun!
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Внимание, конкурс!!!
Згідно з наказом Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України № 777
від 11 липня 2011 року
Центр творчих ініціатив “Клєвєр” спільно з
Горлівським державним педагогічним інститутом іноземних мов проводить
Він відбудеться в четвер, 15 грудня 2011 року. Стати учасниками конкурсу можуть всі бажаючі учні 2-11 класів, без будь-якого попереднього відбору, які змагатимуться у десяти вікових категоріях: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 та 11 класи. Конкурсні завдання цікаві, веселі й доступні дітям з різним рівнем підготовки.
Вони містять запитання з багатьох напрямків знань: мови, країнознавства, географії, літератури та відображають різнобічну інформацію про англомовні країни.
Конкурс проводиться в школах за місцем навчання, не вимагає від учителя особливих зусиль.
Інформацію про результати конкурсу буде надіслано до кожної школи, а також до методичних кабінетів та відділів освіти.
Всі учасники конкурсу одержать сертифікати, а найкращі — призи.
Сума внеску одного учасника складає 13,50 гривень. Для певних категорій дітей участь безкоштовна.
Friday, 2 September 2011
Thursday, 1 September 2011
It is interesting to know
В Великобритании учебный год начинается с первого понедельника сентября (on the first Monday of September).
Summer is over.
Autumn has come.
Our school year
Has begun!
Изучая английский язык, хочется побольше узнать интересного о стране изучаемого языка.
В этом году на страницах нашего блога в рубрике "It is interesting to know" мы познакомим Вас с праздниками и традициями Великобритании. Будте с нами!
В этом году на страницах нашего блога в рубрике "It is interesting to know" мы познакомим Вас с праздниками и традициями Великобритании. Будте с нами!
Thursday, 26 May 2011
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